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What is the Best Cure for Baldness?
There are many different cures for hair loss -- but to find the best, take a look at this page to see your options, so that you can select YOUR best cure for YOUR baldness.
The very best cure for baldness is one tailored to you and what you want.
In the end, maybe the best cure is to just accept it. |
There are two broad approaches that can be undertaken.
One is the conventional and traditional medical type approach, and the other approach is the natural, often herbal type approach.
The conventional best cures for baldness, or treatments, involve a wide variety of artifical drugs and replacements, and include:
A) Injections of steroids
B) Laser therapy
C) Wigs, weaves, hair pieces
D) Artificial hair transplants, and
E) Oral and topical drugs.
The natural best cures for baldness, or remedies, obviously take a more natural route, and include:
A) Dietary and nutritional supplements,
B) Healthy oils,
C) Home recipes, and
D) Other self-help techniques.
Discussion of what is the best cure for baldness
Most people choose conventional treatments, mainly due to the fact that they claim to be "clinically proven".
Although they may be touted as the best cure for baldness, they are not always as effective as they say they are.
Still, this type of best cure for baldness will produce some results, although they may not be permanent or even satisfactory to you.
Of course, everybody wants the best cure for baldness, at a reasonable cost.
Some of the worst hair loss treatments are those that suggest they will do the best, particularly those that claim you will not need supervision by a doctor - which saves you the hassle and cost of seeing one repeatedly.
This may include prescription drugs that are seen in an off label fashion; similar to those that are extremely popular in the treatment of prostate cancer.
Many physicians are hesitant to prescribe these balding cure drugs, solely because they provide a serious health risk and have been linked to serious birth defects.
Unfortunately, for those who are ignorant of these problems, the internet makes the drugs available to everyone, sometimes without all of the proper information.
If you are uncertain, or have already tried a few of these products and are unhappy with the result, it is strongly suggested that you try some of the more natural best cures for baldness, as even though they may involve more patience and time consumption on your part, they often appear to have better results in the long run.
Personally, I'd prefer starting the other way round, using the best natural cures for baldness first, then going on to the traditional cures for baldness if the natural ones didn't work. I just personally feel more comfortable and safer doing things this way.
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