whatcausesbaldness.net is written and or edited by real health professionals
What Causes Baldness?
Reverse Hair Loss and Regrow Hair
is written or edited by health professionals
Full baldness is very rare in anyone, but even much more so in women Hair loss and baldness are only a problem if it causes emotional or psychological problems.



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Yes, I'm Donald, the new owner.  I've been losing hair from the top of my head for years, but for the most part it doesn't bother me.

Hi, I'm Donald, and I'm the new owner of WhatCausesBaldness .net

I hope you like the changes that are being introduced and all the new information on baldness and hairloss.

Copyright © 2000-present Donald Urquhart.

Thank you for visiting.

Sprays to Cover Baldness

As can be seen from the photo on the right, sprays to cover baldness do exist.

Top Coverage "Erases Bald Spots" is an aerosal spray, which works by painting the bald areas a similar color to your natural hair.

Then you comb your hair over it.  It does not produce "hairs" as such, but stops the bald or balding areas from shining through.

Such sprays to cover baldness are either well loved or hated by the user in many cases. 

If used too thickly the sprays to cover baldness can make existing hair feel stiff and rigid, the color may not perfectly match in, but some like the 3 minute dry time and it's water proof nature - but washes off with shampoo.

The average user rating for this "Top Coverage" product is about 7 out of 10, indicating most users are generally happy with what this spray to cover baldness does.

After using a spray to cover / color your balding patches, you may then need to use a hair spray to keep your hair in place, so as to keep the 'painted' area better concealed.

Remember, if you don't comb your hair over that area the spray to cover baldness was applied to, people will quickly see that it is just a a bald spot with 'paint' on it, which could prove quite embarrassing.


A natural hair spray to do the job of keeping the hair over the balding or bald spot.

A natural hair spray: Combine one cut lemon with two cups of water. Continue to boil until only 1 cup of water remains, (this should take a while,) and wait for it to cool.

Place liquid in a spray bottle, (you can find them at most stores,) and keep in your refrigerator.

If it becomes too sticky, add more water.

Adding an ounce of alcohol as a preservative, allows this spray to be kept for at about two weeks un-refrigerated, and a significantly longer time refrigerated.


Otherwise just buy a hair spray to keep your hair in place over your balding or hair loss areas

A hair spray or spritz is the most common final product on hair.

No matter what hair style you are sporting, a firm or gentle hold spray will be the best -- firm for longer hair, and gentle for shorter hairs and curls.

Always try new products: you may find that by changing hair sprays you'll get results you've never dreamed of.

Never overuse a hair spray though, as this may distract viewers from the natural beauty of your hair. Everything in moderation.

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Copyright © 2000-present Donald Urquhart.