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DISCLAIMERS ETC Hi, I'm Donald, and I'm the new owner of WhatCausesBaldness .net I hope you like the changes that are being introduced and all the new information on baldness and hairloss. Copyright © 2000-present Donald Urquhart. Thank you for visiting. |
Hair Loss Treatment for MalesThe drugs, medicines and herbal products that work to stop and reverse hair loss in 95% of menMale pattern baldness cureHair loss treatments for males basically all target the effect of DHT, as DHT is the cause of male pattern baldness, and male pattern baldness accounts for 95% of men with baldness and hair loss.
Hair Loss Treatment DrugsPresently, there are three pharamaceutical medicines - drugs - that can help prevent and cure hair loss -- finasteride (Propecia), and minoxidil (Rogaine), and cypionate - and qualify as a cure for male pattern baldness. Unfortunately,these can not be found in the National Health Service, nor is it normally covered by health funds, so paying full price for them is necessary, if you want to use these drugs as a cure for your male pattern baldness.
The finasteride hair loss treatment:Finasteride has been around since it was introduced to the USA in 1997, although it wasn't launched in the UK until 2002. Finasteride is sold under the brand name "Propecia" for the 1% solution, and "Proscar" for the 5% solution . It stops the creation of dihydrotestosterone, a form of testosterone converted to its state by enzymes formed in prostate, scalp and adrenal glands called 5-alpha reductase. Hair follicles are no longer affected by this hormone, and can increase their growth cycles back to their regular length and strengthen again. In 2 out of 3 men, taking finasteride tablets daily causes slight hair re-growth, and in the other 1 out of 3, no hair re-growth occurs, although no further hair loss is noticed. Propecia has been proven to be very efficient at slowing down baldness, which is what has given it a great reputation. Propecia is NOT so good in promoting the growth of new hair from hair follicles that have lost their hair, it's strength lays in protecting and strengthening the remaining hair follices that are already producing hair. However, it appears to be effective at encouraging new hair in 48% of men. Even though this is wonderful, in 1 out of 100 men there is absolutely no effect whatsoever. There are some key points about finasteride you should be aware of: 4. It does sometimes work in women, as they do sometimes produce testosterone in greater quantities, and, consequently, dihydrotestosterone. The other male baldness medication is Finasteride. This male baldness medication comes in pill form, and effectively reduces the amount of DHT, which is the basic hormone accountable for hair loss in males.
The minoxidil hair loss treatmentThe Minoxidil lotion must be rubbed on, applied to the bald spot or scalp, to encourage the hair to grow back and is available without a prescription. Minoxidil has two strengths - 2% and 5%. There are patients who find the 5% prescription of this hair loss treatment to be more efficient than its 2% variety. However, the minoxidil hair loss treatment can be irritating to the scalp and give your hair an oily feeling. For this reason, many men prefer the 2% one. Minoxidil has been the main chosen male baldness medication for years now, due to the fact that this male baldness medication can slow down baldness and can encourage new hair to grow from dormant hair follicles. for The Minoxidil hair loss treatment for men has a 26% success rate for regrowing hair, and is marketed under the names "Rogaine", "Avacor", "Hair Advantage" and "Follicare". It has only a 19% success rate as a female hair loss treatment.
The cypionate hair loss treatmentThis drug treatment when used as a male pattern baldness cure, is applied topically as a cream to the area you want to stimulate hair regrowth in. It's hair loss treatment effect is achieved by blocking dihydrotestosterone from reaching the hair follicle area. Obviously, this cure for male pattern baldness, requires the cream to be applied regularly, so as to continue blocking the dihydrotestosterone. Once the cream is stopped, so will the hair growth stop, and so will male pattern baldness progress. WARNING: DO NOT TAKE THE CYPIONATE PILLS TABLETS ETC - doing so will likely worsen your hair loss and balding. Use only in the topical cream designed for counteracting hair loss. Taken internally, cypionate increases DHT levels.
An Online Hair Loss Treatment that worksThere is one online hair loss treatment that seems worthwhile mentioning - Provillus. The Provillus Hair Loss Treatment
Provillus uses a multi-attack approach to hair loss and baldness: 5% Minoxidil topical solution which is applied to the scalp to remove the hair destroying DHT, and Provillus also uses a vitamin and herbal pill specifically designed to reduce DHT production and provide the hair follicles with much needed focused nutrients, to stimulate hair growth. So Provillus gets rid of the bad DHT that has greatly reduced the nutrient supply to the hair follicle. Provillus also reduces the body's production of DHT, so that the Minoxidil can do an even better job of getting rid of the DHT and keeping it gone, and if that weren't good enough, Provillus is also feeding the hair follicles the very herbs and nutrients the hair follicles need to regrow YOUR hair! The final result, Provillus appears to be very effective at reversing baldness and in the regrowth of hair from dormant follicles, as can be seen in the before and after photos above. The FDA has approved 5% Minoxidil as a baldness treatment and hair regrower, for use in those with alopecia - which is the medical word for baldness. You can order or read more about Provillus by clicking here.
There are a few natural hair loss treatments that may help reverse the effects of male pattern baldness, especially if used with the hair loss treatment products described above.The first hair loss treatment / remedy seems a bit far fetched, but who knows? The next 2 hair loss treatments after it make sense though: By increasing blood flow to the hair follicles safely, you are encouraging the nutrients to reach the hair follicles as well, thereby encouraging hair regrowth. The finger nail natural remedy for male pattern baldness:Firstly, and most effectively, you can rub the fingernails on both of your hands against each other - 3 times a day for minutes each time. Although this natural baldness remedy seems very simple and unbelievable, it has been known to almost miraculously cure male pattern baldness and gray hair. Even if you are not experiencing thinning of hair of any sort, you can use this technique to help prevent any form of balding of taking place in the future. OK, as the new owner of whatcausesbaldness.net, this finger nail hair loss treatment seems unbelievable! Please let me know if you find it works for you.
The reclining head natural remedy for male pattern baldnessSecondly, laying down with your head slightly lower than your body, will encourage and improve blood flow from the scalp to the hair follicles, thus encouraging hair to grow. Again, another easy natural remedy to help control or prevent male pattern baldness.
The scalp massage method is another of the natural remedies for male pattern baldness.Thirdly, massage the scalp daily, or more often, will help stimulate the area and get the blood passing over to the hair follicles, encouraging hair growth.
Male Hair Loss Treatments in ConclusionWill any of these three male baldness medications give you the head of hair you remember yourself as having when you were younger? Probably not. There really is no absolute cure for hair loss, there is no drug or product in the market that treats hair loss or baldness to the point where it is completely eliminated. Those drugs of choice in different hospitals or drug stores will only assist in regrowing hair or preventing further baldness. However, if you look at the before and after photos above for Provillus, you can see that although the result may not be perfect, you may be able to achieve a very outstanding result, one which I think is quite dramatic and acceptable for most balding men. So, yes, male baldness medications do have a real part to play. Our newer web site - Hair replacement choices - contains a medical perspective on hair replacement strategies that you may be very interested in as well, it may save you $1000's in the long run.
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