whatcausesbaldness.net is written and or edited by real health professionals
What Causes Baldness?
Reverse Hair Loss and Regrow Hair
is written or edited by health professionals
Full baldness is very rare in anyone, but even much more so in women Hair loss and baldness are only a problem if it causes emotional or psychological problems.



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Yes, I'm Donald, the new owner.  I've been losing hair from the top of my head for years, but for the most part it doesn't bother me.

Hi, I'm Donald, and I'm the new owner of WhatCausesBaldness .net

I hope you like the changes that are being introduced and all the new information on baldness and hairloss.

Copyright © 2000-present Donald Urquhart.

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Noticed your Hair Thinning?

If you have noticed your hair thinning, that your hair may not be as thick as it once was, it may not be as bad as it first seems.

The reasons for why hair thinning occurs are numerous.

There can not be a single explanation for thinning hair for everyone, as we all have different circumstances, any one of which may be a factor, including whether we are male or female.

Thinning Hair?  Time to see a doctor.

The one true way to determine why your hair is thinning, is to make an appointment and visit your doctor.

Beautiful hair accentuates the face.  It can make us look sexy, forceful, but thinning hair may mean changing the way others perceive us - which can be frightening.
Your doctor will be able to run tests to help pin point the cause of any hair loss resulting in thinning.

But the most common reason for thinning hair is genetics.

Research has discovered that hair thinning is NOT really caused much by wearing a cap and that many of the shampoos which are on sale today are NOT very effective at dealing with this problem.

Sure the hair thickeners promise to make your hair thicker, but they are not talking about hair thinning - which is losing hair, having less hair per square inch or centimetre - instead they are talking about bulking out the existing hair, so that it looks more.

Treatments which are prescribed by your doctor can have varying degrees of results in fighting thinning hair.

There are some which do work, but as soon as the treatment is finished, the hair thinning starts once more. 

You may not be able to regain that thick head of hair you had in your youth, but there may be a few things you can do to improve your situation.

Hair surgery as a treatment can be very successful, but very costly.

The surgeon will remove a little patch of the healthy hair and will use this hair to make some hair grafts. In this procedure, the surgeon places the grafts over the top of the thin patches at certain angles.

If done correctly, when the hair re-grows, many people will never know the difference.

There are other hair thinning solutions which may be prescribed by your doctor, like a lotion that you apply twice daily onto the scalp.

Women are usually better candidates for any hair thinning treatment, as they don't usually lose any where as much hair hair as men do.

Some treatments for hair thinning  are made different for both male and female, as some solutions may cause hair to re-grow, but on certain parts of the anatomy that might NOT be acceptable on a woman. 

Topical applications are therefore to be preferred, as you can chose which area you want the hair growth on.

Be careful about any of the hair thinning treatments.

This includes the ones which are prescribed. There may be some  unpleasant side effects. 

Some treatments only boost hair re-growth around the top of the scalp and the sides, but not help with the hair thinning that has occurred at the back of the head.

So in conclusion, it may be best to speak to your doctor before deciding which hair thinning treatment will be best for you.


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Copyright © 2000-present Donald Urquhart.