whatcausesbaldness.net is written and or edited by real health professionals
What Causes Baldness?
Reverse Hair Loss and Regrow Hair
is written or edited by health professionals
Full baldness is very rare in anyone, but even much more so in women Hair loss and baldness are only a problem if it causes emotional or psychological problems.



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Yes, I'm Donald, the new owner.  I've been losing hair from the top of my head for years, but for the most part it doesn't bother me.

Hi, I'm Donald, and I'm the new owner of WhatCausesBaldness .net

I hope you like the changes that are being introduced and all the new information on baldness and hairloss.

Copyright © 2000-present Donald Urquhart.

Thank you for visiting.

Hair Loss Treatments and Side Effects

Something you can invest your time into while searching for any hair loss and baldness treatment, is to find out if there are any side effects.

Some of the more well known side effects of the baldness and hair loss treatments are listed here.

Sometimes it is better to go bald than suffer the potential serious side effects of mainstream medicine.

Some of the more serious side effects of baldness and hair loss treatments

If you have considered purchasing one of the more common and well known solutions for baldness called Propecia, you will need to be aware of the sexual type of side effects, meaning, in particular, the loss of libido that may happen.

Yes, it has been reported that many men who have used this brand have had a loss of sexual appetite.

A collateral side effect of using this treatment is not being able to get or maintain an erection, and in some cases temporary impotence.

For females, the fetus has a risk of being damaged when using Propecia.

Even though Propecia may get the results you crave for in hair loss, the side effects may make you think again if you have the type of lifestyle that may be affected.

Many of the shampoos and solutions for baldness may cause reddening and inflammation of the scalp. Some may even cause some swelling or a burning sensation.

Users with very sensitive skin are normally the ones who report these problems.

However, all users can get these side effects if any of the products are over used - and Nizoral shampoo has been reported to make the scalp excessively dry.

So are there any baldness treatments out there without the harmful side effects?

Yes, you must aim for the treatments which are designed to work over a period of time instead of the ones promising fast results overnight.

Most well known herbal remedies will work if the instructions are followed and patience is applied.

Try to look for products which do not contain any man made chemicals.

Natural ones that have the ability to block DHT (the hormone known to be common in many male hair loss cases) are ideal if you are male.




Photo of couple courtesy of Dee

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Copyright © 2000-present Donald Urquhart.